Benicia High School
Site Council
Revised: 10/11/2016
Benicia High School Site Council Bylaws
Dorothy Hanson, Site Council President
Brianna Kleinschmidt, Principal
The name of the Council shall be the Benicia High School Site Council.
The School Site Council shall have the on-going responsibility to:
1. Develop and recommend a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPFSA);
2. Review the implementation of the SPFSA with reference to (but not limited to) stated goals, and curriculum overview.
3. Assess the effectiveness of the SPFSA plan using measures set up within each plan for each goal; and
4. Take other actions as required by the California Education Code.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1: Composition:
The School Site Council shall be composed of 12 voting members: the Principal or administrative designee, 4 non-management certificated school personnel, 1 member of classified school personnel, 3 (+1 Alternate) parents/guardians/recognized care-givers of current Benicia High School students, and 4 students - one from each grade level with one acting as an alternate at Benicia High School. A school employee may serve as a parent/guardian representative on the site council of the school his/her child attends, provided the employee does not work at that school. (Education Code § 52852)
Section 2: Duties:
It shall be the duty of each Council member and alternate to:
A. Attend all regularly scheduled meetings
B. Perform duties as may be required.
Section 3: Voting:
Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the Council. In the event of a lack of a quorum, the appropriate member shall have the right to submit an electronic vote.
Section 4: Resignations:
Resignations shall be accepted upon written notice to the Council President.
Section 5: Term of Office:
The terms of the members are as follows:
A. Principal or administrative designee’s term shall be permanent ex officio.
B. Non-management certificated personnel shall be elected for a 3-year term.
C. The classified school personnel shall be elected for a 3-year term.
D. Parents shall be elected for a 3-year term.
E. Students shall be elected as follows:
1) Freshman Representative shall serve a 2-year term. (First semester as an alternate, followed by 1 ½ years as Freshman then
Sophomore Representative.)
2) (Sophomore Representative shall serve for a 1-year term and may run for re-election as a Junior.)
3) Junior Representative shall serve for a 2-year term. (1½ years as the Junior, then Senior Representative with final semester as an alternate.)
4) (Senior representative shall serve for a 1-year term with the final semester serving as an alternate.)
Section 6: Absences:
It is the responsibility of a member to contact the Council President prior to the meeting in case they are unable to attend. Membership for voting members and alternates shall terminate after absence at three regular meetings in any one school year. Consideration will be given at the request of the member for special circumstances
Section 7: Vacancies:
Any vacancy on the council occurring during the term of a duly elected member shall be filled by the alternate until the next regular election. Should the need arise to fill a vacancy for an alternate, nomination shall be made by the remaining members of the representative group and approved by majority vote of the Council.
ARTICLE IV: Elections
Section 1: Elections:
All members, except the Principal, shall be elected by their respective groups.
Section 2: Parent Representatives:
In Spring, the Council shall post notifications for vacant positions on the school website, the PTSA website, and Principals Newsletter. If needed, voting may take place on the night of Open House or other designated school event. The elected representative will need to attend the May or September meeting. If vacancies occur at other times during the year, please see Article III section 7 above.
Section 3: Staff Representatives:
Classroom teachers and other school personnel shall be solicited from the staff population during February or March. Vacant positions shall be announced to specific groups via email and school announcements. Applications must be received and ballots prepared by the first April meeting. Voting for staff position shall take place at the April meeting.
Section 4: Student Representatives:
Any student representative must meet established eligibility standards (a G.P.A. of 2.0 with no F’s).
Student Representatives for the Freshman Representative/Alternate shall be solicited during September. Vacant positions shall be announced on the school website, the PTSA website, and in the daily announcements. Voting shall take place during a CPT Day.
The Freshman Representative will serve as alternate for the first semester (Fall) and then 1½ years as a voting member. He/she shall serve a two-year term spanning his/her Freshman and Sophomore years.
Student Representatives for the Junior Representative shall be solicited from the Sophomore class during the first three weeks of February. Vacant positions shall be announced on the school’s website, the PTSA website, BHS E-news, and in the daily announcements. Voting shall take place during a CPT Day in March. The Junior Representative will serve 1½ years as a voting member, and then as an Alternate his/her final semester. He/she shall serve a two-year term spanning his /her Junior/Senior years.
Section 5: Alternates:
Those receiving the second highest number of votes during elections shall serve the Council as alternates for a term of one year as follows:
A. One Alternate from non-management certificated personnel
B. One Alternate from parents/guardians
C. One Alternate from classified personnel
D. The Principal's Alternate shall be a Vice Principal.
Section 6: Unopposed Candidates:
If a candidate is running unopposed, a formal election is unnecessary.
Section 7: Term:
All newly elected council members and alternates (except the Freshman Representative) shall attend the May or September meeting and assume duties in September.
ARTICLE V: Officers
Section 1: Officers:
The officers of the Council shall be President, Vice President, and Secretary.
Section 2: Election:
The officers shall be elected annually by the Council at the first or second meeting of the school year.
Section 3: Term:
New officers shall assume duties at the first or second meeting, and shall serve for one year, or until each successor has been elected.
Section 4: President:
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, alternatively assign this task to a Student Representative. He/she shall also sign all letters, reports, and other communication of the Council. In addition, the President shall prepare the agenda, notify members and the press of meetings, gather information from members and others, and distribute meeting notices.
Section 5: Vice-President:
The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.
Section 6: Vacancies:
Should an officer resign before new elections are held, the Council, by majority vote, shall fill the vacancy at the next meeting.
ARTICLE VI: Meetings and Quorum
Section 1: Meetings:
The Council shall meet regularly at least every 3 months during the school year for a minimum of 6 meetings, at a place provided by the school. The time and day of the regular meeting shall be set by the next year’s Council members at the first meeting of the newly elected members in the fall
Section 2: Quorum:
The presence of at least 4 parent/student members (clients) and 4 school employees (providers) shall be required to constitute a quorum.
Section 3: Notice:
Public notice of meetings shall be posted at the school site 72 hours prior to the meeting. An agenda shall be posted and followed.
Section 4: Access:
All regular and special meetings of the Council and its committees shall be open to the public. Each speaker shall be limited to 5 minutes per topic.
Section 5: Special Meetings:
Special meetings of the Council must be called by the President or any two council members with 72 hours prior notice.
Section 6: Conduct:
All meetings of the Council and its committees shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order or similar rules of decorum.
ARTICLE VII: Committees
The Council may establish, manage, and abolish standing and special committees. No committee may exercise the authority of the Council. If necessary, the President shall appoint committee chairs with Council approval.
ARTICLE VIII: Evaluations
These bylaws will be reviewed annually.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total Council membership. Written notice on the proposed amendment(s) must be submitted to council members at least 7 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment(s) is to be considered for adoption.
Date Last Revision Approved: 10/11/2016
Brown Act
35147. (a) Except as specified in this section, any meeting of the councils or committees specified in subdivision (b) is exempt from the provisions of this article, the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (Article 9 (commencing with Section 11120) of Chapter 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), and the Ralph M. Brown Act (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 54950) of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code).
(b) The councils and school site advisory committees established pursuant to Section 52012, 52065, 52176, and 52852, subdivision (b) of Section 54425, Sections 54444.2, 54724, and 62002.5, and committees formed pursuant to Section 11503 or Section 2604 of Title 25 of the United States Code, are subject to this section.
(c) Any meeting held by a council or committee specified in subdivision (b) shall be open to the public and any member of the public shall be able to address the council or committee during the meeting on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council or committee. Notice of the meeting shall be posted at the school site, or other appropriate place accessible to the public, at least 72 hours before the time set for the meeting. The notice shall specify the date, time, and location of the meeting and contain an agenda describing each item of business to be discussed or acted upon. The council or committee may not take any action on any item of business unless that item appeared on the posted agenda or unless the council or committee members present, by unanimous vote, find that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the council or committee subsequent to the posting of the agenda. Questions or brief statements made at a meeting by members of the council, committee, or public that do not have a significant effect on pupils or employees in the school or school district or that can be resolved solely by the provision of information need not be described on an agenda as items of business. If a council or committee violates the procedural meeting requirements of this section and upon demand of any person, the council or committee shall reconsider the item at its next meeting, after allowing for public input on the item.
(d) Any materials provided to a school site council shall be made available to any member of the public who requests the materials pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250) of Division 7 of Title 1).