*Please use the "file" tab below to upload the current request form.
Benicia High School
Site Council
Request Form
Directions: Please complete this form and share it with a member of Site Council. If the Site Council determines your request/issue is complete and meets criteria for Site Council consideration, it will be placed on the next Site Council agenda. Site Council will then discuss, debate and/or act on your request/issue. Site Council meeting(s) are public and agendas are published in advance. You are invited to attend and speak on behalf of your request/issue.
Please submit form at least 5 days before the next scheduled meeting date.
Name: _ Date: __
The group/organization/department you represent:__
I. Request/Issue:
II. Actions/materials needed to implement your request or address the issue:
III. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of this expenditure?
Vendor: Cost:
Address: Tax:
IV. Which goal does this request meet?
Single Plan for Student Achievement:
SCHOOL GOAL # 1 Increase the number of students scoring proficient/advanced on the Mathematics CST's to meet the target AYP rate of 74%. Systain the number of students scoring proficient/advanced on the English Language Arts CST's to meet the target AYP rate of 74%. All students will pass the CAHSEE prior to high school graduation.
SCHOOL GOAL # 2 Increase student participation in advanced, Honors and AP courses by 2%.
SCHOOL GOAL # 3 Support student engagement and learning by expanding curriculum and instructional stategies based on the results of the staff technology survey.
SCHOOL GOAL # 4 All students will be educated in learning environments that will be safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning. Student referrals, incident reports, suspensions and expulsions will be decreased by 5%.
For Site Council Only: Date Request Received://
Action(s) Taken:
Form revised:01/11/11